Art Update

It's been hotter then you-know-where this week. The beach was unexpectedly closed the day we had planned to go and there are just so many trips to the library a person can make in one week. So, as a result the kids have been feeling a bit trapped inside this week. I didn't manage to get any fun pictures of the kids arguing and laying around the house letting me know how bored they were every two or three minutes. I just couldn't get any great shots that captured the moment. Sorry.

Instead, I thought I would share some of the fun pictures Bekah has been creating for us. Bekah's Primary teacher has been inspired to ask the kids each week to draw a picture of their thoughts and feelings regarding the theme of each Sunday lesson. This has been a great way for Bekah to internalize the lessons she is hearing each week while letting her practice her art skills. She loves to draw and create. It's been wonderful to see some of the things she comes up with. I thought I would share some of her beautiful pictures with you this week.


"Our Parents Help Us Learn" by Rebekah - This is a copy of the painting below. Can you find her Helaman leading his stripling warriors?

"Having Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" by Rebekah

This is a picture of Bekah falling down a tunnel screaming, but Dustin is at the bottom with his flashlight and hands extended upwards waiting to catch her. The rectangular thing in the corner is the lunch box she brought him so he could have lunch. This is not based on any actual events in our family. However, I want to say how grateful I am for Daddies who can always be counted on to catch you when you feel scared.

"I love to See the Temple" by Rebekah

This is a depiction of one of our monthly trip to the temple as a family. I am grateful the children can feel the Spirit of the Lord at that holy house, even from the visitor's waiting room.

"I Am Grateful For Rainbows" by Rebekah

This piece wasn't done in Primary. This was one of her Sacrament Meeting masterpieces. I love all of the bright colors and how she incorporated rainbows in everything from the cat to the butterfly wings.

What a beautiful world we live in, especially from a child's eyes.


Jill said…
The "Having Faith..." picture she drew was a story in our lesson. A little girl took lunch to her father who was working in a well. He told her to jump down to him and she had faith he would catch her even though she couldn't see him. Since I didn't think the children would understand what a well was, I used my amazing stick figure drawing skills to show them. They all copied the picture I drew (except for the little boy that always draws rainbows no matter what the lesson is.)
ZB said…
that is awesome. My kids are not nearly that artistic, but then again neither am I. Way to go for inspiring her!

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