A Face Only a Mother Could Love

This picture of Xavier just waking up and sporting some truly great bed-head had to be shared. It's when he's this "adorable" that I know I'm his mom because I still think he looks cute. :>D

Little Mr. X has been very sleepy of late. He has been known to fall asleep at a moment's notice in all sorts of weird places. He passed out the other morning in the car during a 5 minute ride from the grocery store. I couldn't believe how quickly he fell asleep! He must be getting ready for another growth spurt.

In other news, Spring is arriving in South East Texas. Here is a picture of our beautiful peach tree beginning to bloom and our newly transplanted Satsuma manderine orange tree. We are hoping the Satsuma will be a lot happier in the front yard and out of reach from the boys who like to beat on it and dig in its soil. Here's to hoping this year's crop is more than 2 oranges!

When the weather is this nice we can't help but be outside. The kids have had all sorts of fun enjoying the warm sun again.

Bekah and Loyd taking their dogs on a wilderness expedition in the backyard.

Rebekah letting nature work as her muse as she lets her artistic juices flow during a warm afternoon.

Loyd studiously learning from his sister how to become a first class artist. He's a very good pupil when he wants to be. :)


Thomas Family said…
What a cute group of kids! We miss them. It's warming up here (it was up to 45 degrees at 8:30 this morning), but we still haven't ventured out for long walks or outdoor-like things. Anyway, hope all is going well.
Andrea said…
The satsuma looks happy! and so do the kids.

p.s. i always Google Reader stalk you, but want you to know i enjoy your posts.

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