The ABC's of Spring Break

Spring Break finally arrived and we had a lot of fun. The best way to share with you some of the things we did is to break it down into the main ABC's of our week.

"A" is for Art

The last half of Spring Break was mostly dominated by Dustin being away at a robotic competition in Houston for CCISD's district robotics team, the Robonauts. On the last day of competition Dustin decided to bring Rebekah up with him to show her what he has been doing in the evenings for the past few months. She had so much fun that she could hardly take a breath for all the things she had to tell me about when they came home. She told me all the rules of how the robots played their game, what songs they blasted over the loud speakers and how many people there were at the competition. She also got around to drawing some great pictures of her experience that day. The picture above is her rendition of what the robot competition field looked like. The robots are in the middle, with their human controllers on either side. The circles and triangles in the middle are the rings the robots had to pick up and throw into goals and the whole field is surrounded by bright lights and big flags.

Rebekah drew some preliminary specs for her own robot design while she was doodling. Maybe they'll use it for next year's model. :)

The best picture though was the last one she drew. It showed her and Dustin happily standing by one another surrounded by hearts and fluffy clouds. I guess she had a great day at work with her daddy. :)

Not to be outdone, Loyd has spent some time working on his artistic talents this week too. However, paper does not seem able to contain his creativity. He thinks big and must express himself in mural form. On Thursday he worked hard to create this compelling self portrait on his bedroom wall. Deciding not to freak out and to let him enjoy the fruits of his labors I left it up for a few days. After all, there are plenty of other things he gets up to that require me to freak out. On Saturday I decided something must be done about his impressive work. I took a picture for keepsake and then worked very hard to scrub the crayon off the wall. Upon discovering me scrubbing his masterpiece away Loyd expressed his concern about "Erasing Loyd." I had to explain to him we didn't color on the walls. We needed to color just on paper. On the freshly scrubbed wall I hung a large piece of butcher paper and told him to keep his drawings on the paper. I felt smug that I had come up with such a magnanimous and clever solution to his desire to draw on the wall. That night I tucked Loyd into his bed, surrounded by clean white walls and sighed a contented sigh for work well done. A few hours later I went to check on the boys before I went to sleep. Upon walking into their room I found myself surrounded by no less than 7 Loyds on nearly every available space of wall. I guess one little boy's talent can't be tamed by a simple piece of butcher paper and a hidden purple crayon.

"B" is for Bike Rides

Tuesday was a beautiful sunny day so we took the whole family out for a bike ride on a great little trail in Seabrook. It went through a park, into a little wooded area, and out onto a lovely pier. It was refreshing to get out into nature and do something fun as a family. Dustin pulled Rebekah and Loyd in a bike trailer. I had Xavier in a baby seat on my bicycle. Who knew that such little people could weigh so much!

Everyone enjoyed themselves so much that we're hoping we can make biking a regular family hobby.

"C" is for Cleaning
I got a lot of cleaning done around the house and Dustin worked quite a bit on the bathroom this week. Noticeable progress is being made on tiling the shower. I even got to plant some flowers in the yard and weed my flower beds. It's good to have a few extra days every now and again to catch up on the ever present "Honey Do" list.

We had fun over Spring Break. We sure hope you did too!


Andrea said…
smiling big at your lloyd adventures!

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