Time Out Chair

This little man visits a special spot in our home several times a day. This special little corner is known as "Time Out." It is a portion of wall between the front room and the computer corner. It's pretty boring and only decorated with a child's sized wooden chair. When one of the kids is in need of some time to think about a poor choice they made they get to come and sit in this corner for a few minutes. Loyd has to think about his actions a lot. He generally takes correction quite well, but I'm thinking it is because he gets so much practice at it every day.

Noticing all the trips to this special chair his big brother gets to take each day, Xavier has decided to institute his own time outs. He has taken to knee walking over to our time out chair, climbing in and sitting quite happily for a few minutes. After all, with all the time Loyd spends there, it must be a cool place to hang out. Let's hope he keeps such a positive attitude about being corrected. ;>)

Bekah and I are very glad we have each other in this house full of boys. On Wednesday, we had a moment to tighten our bond of sisterhood and roll our eyes at the silliness of boys. It was when Loyd introduced us to a new pronunciation of "Nephite" during our daily family scripture reading. When it was his turn to help Mommy read the Book of Mormon he proudly pronounced "Nefart!" when he was given the difficult word to repeat. He thought he had nailed the pronunciation right on the head. Dustin's inner 12 year old lost it and he broke out into a fit of giggles. Grandpa P lost it soon after and Xavier joined in the good laugh too. Bekah and I were left to roll our eyes at those silly boys and laugh at the joke of it all. Boys, they're so silly.


You are such a good blogger, how you do it with three kids is beyond me- sure do miss you guys as neighbors these days!!

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