Bye-Bye Grandpa. We Miss You!

Grandpa P went back home to Morgan this week. The little boys were especially sad to see him go. While Grandpa was here they got to eat way more junk food and candy then they usually get to do in a whole year, played dozens of games of Candy Land every day, practiced their "Duck, Duck, Goose" skills (Except Grandpa could only be a Duck. He doesn't literally run in circle anymore. Figuratively, however, is a whole different ball game.), and refined their tackling techniques with an experience pro. They loved wrestling with Grandpa until he cried for mercy. (It's just pay backs, Dad, for all of those years making me, Jenny, and Lizzy squeal!) Loyd is counting down the days before we can go and visit Grandma and Grandpa P and Aunt Jenny at their house!

Xavier resorted to using our calculator to attempt to contact the outside world. Shh, don't tell him it isn't really a cell phone. I don't know who he talks to, but he certainly gives them an ear full every day.

We also had the fun opportunity to go to the Clear Creek High School farm with Bekah's preschool class on Wednesday. It was so much fun to see cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs, goats and sheep up close. At first, Loyd was a bit intimidated by how large the animals were, but after Shawn the Real Sheep let Loyd pet his nose and ear we were good to go.

Xavier wasn't sure what to think about all the large, noisy, smelly animals, but he did know he did not like me stepping more than two or three steps from the stroller. Especially by the pigs. I think their loud and numerous friendly oinks were a bit overwhelming to him.

Bekah ran around the farm without fear. She's a regular country girl! She fed the cows by hand, turned her nose up at the stinky chickens and turkeys, admired the sheered sheep who got to wear clothes to help keep them warm, and said,"Good-bye," to every single pig at the end of the visit. It was really nice of her to let her mom and little brothers tag along on her first walking school field trip.

Thanks Bekah, for such a fun morning!


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