Bathroom Remodel Update

Believe it or not, this is actually progress on our bathroom remodel. This week we received our new shower base and a great plumber replaced all the old pipes in the bathroom. Now Dustin can cement the base in place and begin putting up the wall boards and tile. Yea! I may get my master bathroom finished inside a year yet!

With a bathroom remodel comes some pretty awesome big boxes. The box the shower base came in has come in handy as a great toy.

So far it has been used as a bed, a hiding spot, and...

An awesome speedway raceway. Lookout Lighting McQueen; we're coming for the Dinoco cup next year!

Meanwhile, as the house has been a wreck, the water has been turned off and the bathroom has been under serious construction Xavier has taken this opportunity to learn to pull himself into sitting, kneeling and standing positions. He has learned to push furniture around the house and has found a renewed enthusiasm for dragging himself around the house in a never ending search for all the dangerous small tacks, nails, pieces of foam and plastic and other exciting objects he can put into his mouth to make his mother panic. This morning he even attempted a few tentative attempts at crawling on his knees. I knew it would just take an inconvenient moment for him to learn how to crawl. :D

Oh well, at least I can look forward to an end of the army crawl. While it works great for Xavier to slide around on the floor, all the army crawling reveals the frightening extent of filthiness that is my floor. His tummy is in a disconcertingly continuous state of dirty blackness. No matter how much I sweep and mop he still gets filthy. Friends and family have suggested strapping a Swiffer to his tummy and letting him clean the house for me. While this is a terrific idea, I have a feeling the moment I strapped that Swiffer on Xavier he would magically learn to crawl on his hands and knees. Hm, maybe I should get the Swiffer....


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