Food! Glorious Food!

Last Sunday Xavier had his first taste of real food. Dustin mixed him up some rice cereal and Rebekah and Daddy helped Xavier eat it. He didn't not like it, but I wouldn't say he was overly thrilled by the experience either. His tastes are a bit more discriminating than Bekah's and Loyd's were. Rebekah was so excited to help she could hardly stand it. All afternoon she followed me around the house begging, "Can I feed Xavier yet? Does he eat baby food now? I want to feed him. I'm big; I can help feed Xavier baby food!" She is a great little helper. As you can see, she takes her baby feeding responsibilities very seriously. She loves to help Xavier and teach him new things. She is already asking me when she can help him learn to walk!

Xavier loves to play. Out of my three children he has been the most enthusiastic about toys and games. He will happily bat at the toys on his play mat for an hour or so, he giggles like a maniac when Bekah, Loyd and I have tummy time with him in his room, and now he has discovered the thrill of "Peek A Boo!" He and I played this in my room a few days ago. He thought it was hilarious. Being the go getter that he is, he decided to figure out how to play it on his own. He pulls his blanket over his head and then pulls it down with a squeal and a big grin. It's pretty much the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Xavier is always good for a smile.

Loyd is keeping me busy as ever. It's a good thing he has a sweet heart and a winning smile. On Wednesday I found him standing in the middle of my square food garden pulling the peas off the vine. He had climbed over the chicken wire fence and made his way over to the best peas. Angry that he was trampling my garden for a second year in a row, I bolted out the door to remove the offender. Before I could get the words, "What do you think you are doing!" out of my mouth Mr. Mischievous smiled at me with great pride and held up his treasure. "Green Beans, Mamma!" he declared with pride and then popped the whole pea pod into his mouth. Now really, how am I suppose to stay mad and discipline that? He was so happy about eating vegetables, and he took the initiative to figured out how to get it all by himself. Silly Mr. Loyd. He's going to teach me some wonderful lessons on patience and perspective. Wish me luck in my studies.


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