Eating Us Out of House and Home

Well, we seem to have bottomless pits for children this week. Bekah and Loyd have both been eating like 3 kids each. As you can tell from the pile of Goldfish Loyd retrieved out of the cupboard and poured for himself, this kid is hungry!

Here's another shot of Loyd taking his crazy hunger into his own hands. He can get the cereal boxes down and eat as much as he likes in their current location. I'm either going to have to let the kid eat until he's full or hide the cereal. I think I'll leave the cereal.

This is just a funny shot we took today of Rebekah in her apron. When she isn't eating real food she is busy making and "eating" pretend food. I like the new way of wearing an apron. Pretty fashionable, don't you think? ;>)

Here are two shots which tell the story of how Xavier feels about getting his picture taken. I think he is afraid of the flash or of how I look when I hold the camera up to my face. (The view screen has been broken ever since Loyd threw the camera on the floor after we got back from Utah last summer.)

In the shot above Xavier has just realized I have taken his picture while he is playing with his toys. He's in a state of shock.

In the shot below, taken a few seconds after the first picture, he is clearly upset and showing me his best lip. He doesn't like me taking more pictures of him, and would rather be left alone. After snagging this great picture I took pity on the poor boy and left him alone.

Dustin cracks me up with his crazy picture poses. Now I know where Rebekah gets her strange ideas of what "pose" means.

Here are 3 of the fabulous burp cloths my friends and I made yesterday for baby shower gifts. Aren't they pretty!

And last, but not least, here is a picture of a cute hairdo I tried on Rebekah this week. I just love the little heart. I got the idea from this great blog that shows you some fun ideas and has complete tutorials on how to do them. The blog was

Happy Munching!


you do her hair so awesome!!! next time i see you, you should do my hair :)


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