Art Master Work

Move over Picasso. Step aside Michelangelo. Introducing the newest and perhaps most brilliant artist to grace the earth, Rebekah! With a little (and I really mean little) more practice Rebekah will have outstripped my sad art skills. Here is her first picture where you can actually tell what it is. She colored this on her own last Sunday. Ever since then these funny little faces have found themselves scrawled on every piece of available paper, sidewalk, and garage door available. I think it's pretty good for a 3 year old. :)

Loyd has enjoyed every minute he can get outside. He got the sandbox all to himself today while Rebekah took a nap. When he finally came in I had to take his pants off to wash them. A pile of sand about an inch high and 4 inches across spill on to my floor from his pockets. Silly kid!


Jill said…
That's really impressive!
Jesse's teacher explained to me one time that kids start out with simple stick figures and then as they develop they draw more details. A person starts out as just a head and then eventually they get a body and then legs and arms and then fingers and toes and then facial features. She already has the details down!
Andrea said…
what skills! that is a really good swing too.

i love his grin.

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