Play Hard, Sleep Longer

We have had a fun week. Rebekah learned to sing "Hello, Goodbye" by the Beatles from watching Target commercials, Loyd is the king of inch worm scooting across furniture and carpet now, we went swimming and had a ton of fun (Thanks Charlotte!), we played with our friends Libby and Charles until we couldn't stay awake any more, and Rebekah is getting really good at saying prayers all by herself. Thursday night she said the prayer before bed and she made sure she thanked Heavenly Father for food and chocolate before anything else! We know where her heart is. :) It's been a good week. We hope your week was as action packed and fun as ours was!

Here is Loyd and his best little buddy, Charlie, playing very nicely on the floor mat together.

Loyd has the best silly faces sometimes!

Bekah played babies in her room until she literally couldn't play anymore. I peaked into her bedroom after it became suspiciously quiet for a few minutes and found her asleep with her feet firmly on the floor and her head on the bed. We took some great pictures and then put her in the bed all the way.

Bekah loves her new Cinderella doll. We have to play "Cinderellie" every day.

Here is Rebekah forcing Loyd to take an inpromtue nap. She likes to pull all the pillows off my bed and lay them on the floor and then she demands that everyone take a nap. She cracks me up!


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