Lonely Week

Loyd has been very photogenic this week and a very good baby. As you can see from the pictures above he is his happiest when practicing his sitting skills. Rebekah misses her daddy. Dustin is in Tyler this week for Project Lead the Way training and it is making for a long and lonely week for us at home. We did get a lot of rain from Hurricane Dolly and some really loud thunder storms over the past two days. I was awakened from a dead sleep by house shaking thunder a few times this week. Rebekah has been trying to keep busy with lots of reading and many repeated requests to watch Curious George because we were stuck inside due to rain so much this week. Good thing she loves to read!


Lindsey said…
Loyd has such a cute smile and I love that Bekah loves to read. That is such a great thing to do on rainy days. I love to read too, but I'm not very good at making time for it. As a result, Dallin is only luke warm toward books. I better hit the library and start teaching by example! Hope Dustin had a good time and gets home soon. I know what it is like to be stuck home with two kids for a week. L-O-N-G!

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