Our Trip to Utah

We survived our 2 day car trip! Rebekah and Loyd took it well. Here is the best shot of Bekah who actually fell asleep mid book during the long journey to Grandma's house. I think the kids were worn out after a fun filled 2 weeks with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Rebekah learned a few new phrases such as, "Here ya go," "Bekah's turn!" and "I'm back." Loyd adored all of the attention. He thinks he is the star of every show!

While in Utah Loyd learned how to roll over and sit up. He is Mr. Crunch. He keeps trying to pull himself up to a sitting position from a laying position using only his abs. He can't quite pull this mighty feat off yet, but maybe soon. He also discovered his two feet. He can grab them pretty well now, so he is currently working on sucking on his big toes. Who knows, he may need them as back up if his thumbs are busy!

While we were in Utah will all of our wonderful family we blessed Loyd in my parents' ward. Our little guy sure is handsome in his suit and enjoyed all of the attention that came with the territory of being the star of our Sunday. We were very happy to have most of my family and most of Dustin's family come. It is such a blessing to know there are so many worthy priesthood holders to give love and support to our little family.

We had a great afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa Cornelius at the Ogden Nature Center on one of the days we were in Utah. The kids loved to be outside and it was fun to go on the little hike and see a few birds. It was nice and flat so the terrain was ideal for a toddler and a toted baby. The best part of the afternoon was that Rebekah and Loyd had some priceless time with their grandparents.

Bekah couldn't get enough time outside at Grandma and Grandpa Phillips' house. She loved to swing with Grandma, make her own botanical exhibit with Grandpa P, and jump on the trampoline with anyone she could find! Jayden and Skyler took Loyd under their wing and ensured he was having fun and giggling all the time! My kids have such great cousins!

We had a great time at my brother's house. Rebekah and her cousin Walter became fast friends and had a lot of fun together. Delenay and Olivia showered all their attention and enthusiasm on their younger cousins and Rebekah and Loyd ate up every second!

I should wind down this mammoth blog with just two last pictures. Loyd had the great opportunity of meeting his Great Grandma Ruth Cornelius. She is a wonderful lady and I am so glad I can call her grandma great too!

I did get to spend a wonderful afternoon with my dear friends Kelsy and Adam and their sweet little boy. Here he is with Rebekah at the park. I think they make a cute couple! What do you think? :) Kelsy, we could be future in-laws!

We loved our visit to Utah and miss all of our wonderful friends and family. It is great to be home and we missed our Texas friends a great deal while we were away, but we are already looking forward to our next trip back to Grandma's house!


hey audrey that trip to the nature place was really fun thanks for asking me to go even though i kinda just showed up i didnt know u were going any ware grandma said u will have to stay at my house next time u come maby.. so tha will be fun u gyes will have yoru own bathroom to how long are u staying a couple days i bet bell any way if u stya at our house u will sleep in my room since i hav to beds and i will sleep on the couch but thats normal for me..

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