Happy Birthday, Loyd!

13!!  How did Loyd ever turn 13!  I can't believe how fast time has flown and how tall my little boy has grown.  Where once he looked up to me he now towers over his mother and looks down to me.  He is a fun brother, a kind friend to furry creatures everywhere, an excited gardener, and avid reader.  He has the heart of a romantic and obsesses over online gaming.  He has big dreams of making it big as a YouTuber, but humors his mother by agreeing to keep going to school and get his college degree in engineering as a backup plan.  I am proud of this boy and love his so dearly.  He has overcome so many challenges and works hard every day to be an amazing son, fun brother, and heartfelt disciple of Christ.  I have loved watching Loyd grow and mature and can't wait wait to see how much more he is going to accomplish and learn in the year ahead!



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