Christmas Crafts

It is our first Christmas here in our new Morgan home.  We enjoyed displaying our beautiful stockings by an actual fireplace this year and loved even more the beautiful, clean wall Dustin built for us behind the fireplace to set the stockings off so prettily.  

Being stuck at home due to Covid-19 this year, along with living in a new place lacking all of the places of years' past Christmas tradition we came up with some fun crafts and activities to mark the happy holiday season this year.  Most of the fun ideas we came up with involved lots of happy crafting.  

For FHE this month we had fun building candy nativity scenes, cutting out paper snowflakes (they didn't turn out at all), and making yummy graham cracker and marshmallow sheep (we ate those too fast.  I couldn't get a picture).  The kids really enjoyed the fun treat based crafts.  Who could say no to these adorable nativities and then get to eat the left overs!

For home school we had fun learning how to draw Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer using oil pastels and creating brightly decorated Christmas trees using paint, forks, and q-tips.  We had lots of fun being creative together.  John keeps stopping everyone to proudly point at his Reindeer and Christmas tree with great pride on the dining room wall and declares, "My pictures!  My pictures!" 
The local county library offered a pick-up Gingerbread Man and bird feeder craft.  The kids had fun decorating their unique gingerbread men and loved making little peanut butter and birdseed bird feeders for the tree outside the back door.  Maeve loves to watch the little birds come to eat and even discovered a cute little red headed woodpecker that likes to stop by.  

With all that craft time art fun Owen still managed to squeeze in a few of his own creations.  He loves to create these little paper men using nothing but paper, scissors, and his own imagination.  I think they turn out pretty great. I especially enjoy the happy smiles on their faces.  :) 

We had a very blessed Christmas season filled with lots of fun family activities.  We had fun driving around and seeing the Christmas lights around Morgan.  We got to experience a drive through live Nativity at the Stake Center.  The highlight was seeing a real live donkey and sheep!  We socially distanced visits with family.  We met Uncle Royal and Aunt Loretta at a park in Heber where the kids had tons of fun snowball fighting with Uncle Royal and Cousin Walter.  Everyone had fun at a sledding birthday party at Grandma Phillips' house with the Barra and Nelson cousins.  The outdoor playtime was really needed by the kids.  And Dad and the kids had a ton of fun playing laser tag with Uncle Jason and Uncle Jared on Christmas day at the local city park.  

Even though it's not the Christmas season we are use to or the place we are familiar with yet, we still managed to have fun, spend time together, and take special care and thought on the gift that is our Savior, Jesus Christ.  After all is said and done, Christmas was good because Christ is the gift we have all received and needed most.  

Merry Christmas!


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