
This most adorable of little boys is 2 and half years old already!  John has been lots of fun and most essential in keeping everyone cheerful and happy during the pandemic.  He smiles always, shares without a second thought, and plays readily.  He fills the house with giggles, happy squeals, fast little feet, excellent climbing and hanging skills, and funny little sayings.  John can say lots of things, but mostly he says:
"Come here! Come here!" while  waving his arm toward himself when he wants you to follow him.
"Play with me." 
"Kiss me!" when he's ready for a kiss and hug, which is always.
"Read to me," John loves to read and read and read with Mommy.  His favorite book this Christmas has been "Gingerbread Man," and his favorite book of all time continues to be Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton.  It's comedy genius.  ;)
"Help me!" when he needs food out of the fridge or help with anything else.
"CiCi hug you," as he leans over to hug our soft little bunny.
Funny things John says:
While banging on Rebekah's door, "Bekah!  Cookie!  Open door!"  John had brought Bekah a cookie to eat.  He never likes to eat alone.  If he wants to snack or eat a treat he always grabs a second for sharing or splits his own treat in two so that he can spread the joy of eating something yummy together.  
"IO".  John can totally say "Xavier," but he much prefers to tease Xavier and continue to call him "IO" instead.  :) I guess Xavier will always have the nickname of IO now.  :) 
John loves to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed, snuggled right in the middle of them all night long.  John loves to snuggle.
John's favorite show is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  He could watch it forever and forever.  
John's favorite thing in the world are his muslin space blankies.  He takes them everywhere, sleeps with them always, and uses them to create unique fashion statements.  :D 

We sure enjoy life with our little John and look forward to all the smiles and joy he will continue to bring. 


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