
Owen showing off this year's candy haul from preschool trick-or-treating at the high school.  SO much candy!

It's Halloween time again!  We made fun Halloween crafts, picked out the perfect Halloween costumes, and trick-or-treated with the best of Halloween friends.  Now all we have left is to eat all our yummy Halloween treats!  Happy Halloween!
John and Owen sporting their superhero masks from library preschool craft day.

 Loyd as an assassin elf
 Maeve is Zoe from Fortnight.  We don't know who she is, but we know we like pink!
 Skeleton Owen - Spooky, scary skeleton!
 Ghost Soldier Xavier.  Careful, he has special ops skills
 Moon Elf Rebekah - She sewed her own costume this year at her summer cosplay camp!  She is amazing!
John as this year's chubby robot.  He is the first Cornelius kids to not scream the entire time he is in the costume.  His trick for success...he loves the smiles and laughs people get when they see him walking around in the silly costume.  He's such a ham!
 Trick-or-treating at Trooper School Preschool

Trick-or-Treating Halloween night with our awesome friends The Archer family!  Rebekah isn't pictured here because she went trick-or-treating with friends from school for the first time.  She's growing up so fast!


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