Trooper School - Owen Style

Owen showing off his cool bat face paint after a field trip to the Houston Zoo
One of the biggest blessings in our life is Trooper School Preschool.  This wonderful program is a preschool program help at the local High School, supervised by a very talented and experienced teacher, and run by 50 or so of the best teenage high school students you could ask for.  Three times a week these amazing students plan, prepare, and present fun and engaging preschool lessons to 20 of the luckiest preschoolers on the planet.  They learn so much, have tons of fun, and even get to ride on a big yellow school bus on a couple of exciting field trips.  Here are a few Trooper School highlights from the past 2 and half months. 

 Water day! 
 Owen is having way too much fun with the water shooters
 Muffins with Moms

Preschool Graduation
You did it Owen!  You finished your first year of preschool!  Good thing you can come back next year, because you were not ready for the fun to end.  Owen told me, "I don't want to go to kindergarten, or elementary school, or middle school, or high school.  I just want to go to Trooper School forever and ever, for all the school years."  We can't pull preschool forever off, but we can give you one more year.  ;)

Also, the day after graduation Owen woke up nice and early, got ready all by himself, and then declared he was ready to go to school.  I guess I'm going to have to do a better job explaining to him what summer break means.  :)

 Congrats Grad!
 Owen with two of his favorite Trooper Teachers!  Thanks guys for a wonderful, fun filled year!


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