Life Skills

 Loyd has decided it's time for him to earn a living.  He is opening his own bank.  He promises to be a fair lender and work with his siblings on their debts, but there are rules that must be followed.  :D 

For the Bank of Loyd
I promise to not to disobey Loyd's rules.
1. Do not 0 corn Cash or you have to pay 3 corn cash (overdraft fees already!)
2. If you have a super bank "cost 5 $" No one can barrow from you (making sure you're solvent before lending to others is important)
3. No whining (life rule)
Those are the rules.  

Rebekah has been having a great time learning how to fence at the League City Recreation Center.  All she wanted for Christmas was her own fencing gear.  Now all she wants is her own dagger.  What have we got ourselves into?  ;D


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