Goodbye Green Shadow

It's the end of an era.  After 15 years of faithful service it was time to say goodbye to our trusty green 1997 Toyota Camry.  We sent her off as a donation to Houston PBS.  It helped to take some of the sadness of seeing this great car go.  It saw our family through a lot of changes and growing over the years.  This car drove Dustin to buy my engagement ring, drove Dustin and I home for the first time after we were sealed in the Ogden Temple, moved our little family of 3 across country to League City, Texas, drove me to and from the hospital for the births of Rebekah, Loyd, Xavier, Maeve, Owen, and John.  It was a faithful commuter car to and from work for Dustin for many years.  We loved our Toyota and it will always have a special place in our heart.  Thank you Green Shadow!  It's been a great ride! 


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