John's First Bite

 It's time for Mr John Axle to try his taste buds at food.  So far, he hates everything.  On September 6th Dustin started him off on rice cereal and green beans.  John was convinced he was being poisoned.  He made some terrible faces and then quickly learned that if he simply doesn't open his mouth then we can't put any of that disgusting stuff in it.  When he sees the spoon coming for him, he snaps his mouth shut, cementing his lips together.

Trying to ease the transition I offered him some apple sauce and pear sauce instead.  He hated them more.  Oh John.  How can you be 6 months old and already hate my food?  I sure hope he figures out something he likes to eat soon, or he might have to live his whole life on a milk diet.  :)


PS: We eventually discovered that John loves savory foods and happy enjoys Cool Ranch flavored Doritos corn chips.  Ha ha  Also, he eats much better for his sisters than he does for his parents.  Crazy kids.

*Note: The first pictures are a recreation of Baby John's first bites.  Dustin decided to give him cereal for the first time while I was at the grocery store and then failed to even take a picture of the big milestone event. 


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