Halloween 2017


Happy Halloween 2017!  What a year to remember!  

This year we had:
Rey from Star Wars - Rebekah
Odd Squad Agent #1 - Loyd
Odd Squad Agent #2 - Xavier
Peakock - Maeve
Darth Vador or Storm Trooper from Star Wars, depending on our mood - Owen

Halloween Quote for the year - "Trick-or-Feet!" this is what Maeve thought we were saying at first until we corrected her.

Favorite Halloween movie this year:  It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown with the best movie quote for the season, "I got a rock."

Big news event for Halloween - Houston Astros baseball team competes in the World Series for the first time ever.

 Maeve went trick-or treating at Trooper School on two days.  Owen and I joined her for the high school trick-or-treating fun on one of the exciting days.


On Monday, we went to the South Shore Ward's Trunk-or-Treat activitty where we got to trick or treat with our Church family and enjoy some fun Halloween themed carnival games and treats.  It was a fun time for everyone.  




 Finally, on Halloween night we went trick-or treating around our neighborhood as a family.  It was a bit quieter on the streets this year as many folks oppted to stay home and watch the Houston Astros baseball team play game 6 in the World Series (we didn't win that night, but we won the next and brought home the World Series for the very first time to our very proud city).  We had fun talking to nieghbors and getting lots of yummy candy.  


After all of that Halloween fun we eneded up with over 5 feet worth of candy! The mind boggles that so much sugar can be in one place, but we're not quitters or fait of heart.  The kids are doing their very best to make sure none of their hard earned spoils go to waste.  :)

Happy Halloween!


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