1st Grade Opperation Egg Drop

Xavier had a special school assignment to design an egg drop box to protect an egg from a high fall using recycled materials from home.  Dustin and Xavier put their heads together and designed this well padded egg drop box out of cotton balls, bubble wrap, styrofoam squares, and a cleaned out soy milk carton.  Xavier's original plan was to place the egg between a bunch of slices of bread.  Dustin assured him the cotton balls and styrofoam would work better....
.....Day of the egg drop from the top of the school playground...moment of truth....maybe they should have gone with the bread idea.  The poor egg didn't make it.  Oh well, we learn from our failures just as much as we learn from our successes.  Good job, Engineer Xavier!


Just a fun picture of Owen showing off his cool craft hat.  He made it all by himself.  :)


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