Happy Birthday Loyd!

This week was Loyd's 9th birthday! 

Happy Birthday son!  I do have one question though.  How did that happen?  Time is slipping by faster than I can mark it sometimes.  It's a funny emotion for a mom to have a child's birthday come.  At once it is fun to see you grow and mature and grow more and more into the amazing person that you are, but on the other hand it is sad to see my precious funny baby, and toddle, and little boy slip away in time.  I am so thankful for journals, and family movies, and pictures, and the promise of the resurrection when everything will be returned to our memory perfectly and I can remember with perfect clerity every adorable giggle, mischievous smile, demand for kisses and hugs, and precious snuggles. 

Loyd, you are growing into such a wonderful young man.  You are kind and compassionate.  You are a leader and always willing to play and care for your younger brothers and sister.  You are an example of service and unchecked love.  You are a friend to all.   You are a hard worker.  Even though things can be hard for you to do at home or at school, you persevere and keep on trying and working hard to reach your potential.  I admire and respect you.  I look up to you in so many ways.  I am so thankful you are my son and that I get to be your mothers for all of eternity.  I love you, Loyd!  Happy Birthday!  I look forward to many many more with you, son! 

For Loyd's birthday we took everyone to the movies (in Texas City of course) to see the new Lego Batman movie and then out for dinner.  It was lots of fun. The movie was silly, the food was good, the weather was beautiful, and we even had time to stop at a park on the way home to climb trees and swing on swings until we were good and tired for the day.


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