Myth Busters NASA Style, Art Museum, and Lunch Time Fun

Yes, this boat is made out of duct tape and yes, we had to take this picture in front of it in honor of Uncle Royal and Red Green.  :) 
Dustin and Owen posing in front of my favorite work of art, Botticelli's Nativity
Due to busy work and grad school schedules Dustin and I discovered that we had a whopping 4 days of summer vacation this year, two of those days being Saturday and Sunday.  So, to celebrate our half week of summer time fun we went to the Houston LDS Temple on Saturday, enjoyed a good day at Church on Sunday, explored the cool "Myth Busters" exhibit at the Johnson Space Center Houston on Monday, and capped off our stay-cation with an awesome trip to the Houston Museum of Art.

At the Houston Museum of Art we saw so many beautiful masterworks of art, spanning from the ancient Egyptians all the way to the present.  It was so fun and everyone found at least 1 work of art they could label as their favorite.

After a great morning at the Art Museum we enjoyed a yummy lunch at Chick-Fill-A.  One of the best parts of our Museum of Art day was that it was all payed for with coupons we earned from our Summer Reading Program at the local public libraries.  Yea public libraries for making life more rich and beautiful!
Soaking in some Awesome Art

Loyd's favorite art was anything made out of Gold.  Go figure.  ;)
Owen sporting a cool do-rag, courtesy of Chick-Fill-A


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