Last Day of School / First Day of Summer

Last Day of School

 It was the last day of 4th Grade, 2nd Grade, and Kindergarten this week.  We had a wonderful year of amazing teachers, great friends, lots of learning and growing, and early mornings at the bus stop. 

This was also the year that Rebekah requested -  no demanded - that I stop giving her kisses and hugs before she got on the bus.  At least the boys still love their goodbye hugs and kisses.  After all was said and done, this school year turned out to be full of firsts, lasts, and everything in between.  Yea for education!

First Day of Summer

The last day of school also means the arrival of the first day of Summer.  Well, as you can tell from this picture of Owen sitting on my dresser eating stollen skittles, it's only day #1 of Summer break and I've already lost control of the house and children.  Wish me luck taming this crazy bunch! :)


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