Odds and Ends, or 4 out of 5

 Life with 5 little kids ages 8 and under and the daily demands of caring for a new baby have taken their expected toll on my time and, as I'm sure you have noticed, have lead to me doing monthly blog dumps on the happenings of the Cornelius clan rather than my more usual weekly updates.  We're having lots of fun, we're working hard, and everyone seems to be hitting new milestones recently.  

On Monday (February 23rd) Baby O finally learned how to suck his thumb.  He has been desperate to learn how to pull off this feat of coordination and fine finger control since he was born.  Up until this week he has always been unsuccessful at making this miracle of baby comfort happen; usually ending up poking himself in the eye or tightly keeping his cute little baby thumb firmly stuck in his fist.  This has been his calmest week yet, and it isn't uncommon to find him with this thumb sweetly stuck in his mouth.  Now 4 out of my 5 kids have been thumb/finger suckers.  Maybe Dustin should have gone into orthodontia.  ;>P

 Here's a picture of cute Maeve and her Pink Paper Pig Puppet (I love alliteration) she made at the library.  She and I spend many happy hours together at the local libraries, reading books, and singing silly songs.  She is such a fun toddler.  I just love this little girl!
I finally got around to getting more frames and getting Baby O's pictures up on my wall of Cornelius kid happiness, or my brag wall.  I love looking at these happy photos of my greatest treasures. I had to get creative with this photo arrangement.  I'm running short on wall and long on cute kids.  :D


Jill said…
Cute kids! And, perfect and creative picture arrangement on your wall.

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