Living Room Redecorating

For those of you who are interested, here are some pictures of our newly redecorated front room.  With Dustin starting graduate school in the Fall and the anticipated arrival Cornelius baby #5 in November we decided it was now or never (or at least for the next 3 years) to paint the front room.  Also, we had to move all the furniture around to make room for our long anticipated, newly arrived, piano, so why not paint while everything is off the walls anyway.  :) 

I've long wanted to paint my front room, but just couldn't decide on a color I liked.  Thanks to the beautiful curtains my mother made for me two years ago I was finally able to pick this beautiful, matching dark blue and white color scheme.  There are a few odds and ends to still do (like a picture or two to hang and a ceiling fan to install), but I thought I would share the pictures now anyway.  I think my room turned out awesome, though my pictures are not the best to show off how bright, comfortable, and beautiful it feels to us now that it is all done after a long week of patching, painting, and decorating.  Enjoy!


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