Crazy Thursday Library Summer Reading Extravaganza

Thursday was one wild and crazy day, but boy did we have fun! 

We started out the day with swimming lessons and then a trip to the local beach.  After the beach we ran home for lunch and showers.  We had to be squeaky clean for the Texas Snakes program at the Freeman library! 

At the Texas Snakes show the kids were able to learn all sorts of interesting things about snakes, pet a few live snakes, and even wear a boa constrictor (pictures coming soon!). 

After learning that most snakes are safer than kittens and puppies we came home for a quick dinner and then headed off to the Helen Hall Library for their end of summer Super Reader's Party.  We met Cookie Monster, took a train ride on the League City Express, pet a few ferrets and dogs, ate a light snack of cookies and goldfish, and then rocked out with the fun DJ.  Here's some video of our kids enjoying the library dance party.  :)

After such an action packed day of water and library fun we all slept well that night, grateful for warm summer days, playing in the water, and exciting library summer reading programs.

Happy Thursday!


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