Too Cold in Texas, Brrr!

This last cold snap left ice on everything in the yard, thanks to an overnight freezing rain.  The kids were disappointed there wasn't any snow, but they had fun playing with ice instead.  The kids were really excited to see all of the ice and feel the bitter cold of playing outside.  The school district delayed the start of school by 2 hours to allow the slippery roads time to thaw out.  This gave us plenty of time to play outside, throw our wet jackets and gloves in the drier, and enjoy some hot chocolate before going to school.  Yea for icy mornings at home!
 Rebekah brought me an icicle she had pulled off one of the play houses that must have been 3/4 to 1 inch long.  She held it up proudly to me and said, "Mamma!  Look how BIG the icicles are!"  Gotta love that South Eastern Texas perspective.  :)

Quote of the Day (Friday, Jan. 24) 

Xavier exclaimed while chomping on some ice from outside, "Mom!  Ice tastes like water.  It's good!  Try it!"
Loyd munching icicles off the roof of the play house on Friday, January 24, 2014

Quote from last Saturday on a much warmer day in January

All of the beautiful sunny, 70 degree weather of last week before the article blast hit had made the kids antsy for swimming and sprinklers.  I kept telling them it wasn't quite warm enough to play in the water outside yet, but they just didn't believe me.  So, a week ago Saturday, Loyd took matters into his own hands.  He found the hose handle, put on his bathing suit, grabbed one of the hose sprinkler toys, and turned on the hose.  He played for about 20 minutes and had a great time, but when he came in cold and chattering he told me with a bit of shock and confusion, "Mom, when I turned the hose on COLD water came out.  Can you believe it?"  Who knew that cold water existed in Texas?  Not me.  :)


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