Flying Lessons

This week Rebekah offered to teach the boys how to fly like dragons.  In preparing for her students she determined that the first thing one needs to fly like a dragon is a good costume.  She eagerly took up the challenge and designed and sewed a Toothless and Hookfang mask and tail for Loyd and Xavier.  There weren't enough materials or time for her to make a costume for herself, so she cheerfully made do with what we had on hand even though she is the true dragon enthusiast in the family.  With that done, the rest of the afternoon was spent leaping and jumping like the best of dragons.  They were eager students and she was an enthusiastic teacher.  What fun to watch the little ones take flight.  Even little Maeve had to make sure she was in on the fun.  :)

Xavier also practiced his teaching skills this week.  He taught a Master's class in kindness when he tenderly brought Maeve his little backpack and offered it to her to keep, along with a much welcome drink.  On his own he saw she had a lack and found something of his own he could offer to fill the hole.  What a tender moment of Christlike empathy and love. 

These kids are a wonderful teachers on how to lift the spirit and soar to the heights the Savior has in mind for our journey.  How lucky I am to have such great teachers in learning to fly.


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