Halloween Sneak Peak

We had our church Halloween Trunk-or-Treat this Friday.  The kids had a lot of fun dressing up in the cute Angry Bird costumes Grandma P made for them and getting lots of yummy candy.  The weather suddenly turned chilly on the day of the trunk-or-treat so I had to make a hat for Maeve at the last minute.  I think it turned out pretty good for an Angry Pig.  :)  Enjoy a sneak peak at the costume fun at our house this week.  I think we are ready for Halloween now.  :)

Isn't Maeve perfect as an Angry Pig!  You better hide your golden eggs or she might steal them.  ;)
Rebekah Red Angry Bird, Loyd Purple Space Angry Bird, and Xavier Yellow Angry Bird showing off their costumes with Angry Pig Maeve and Daddy.  They are ready to go. Now where is that sling shot?
Busy constructing an Angry Bird nest from the branches Dustin cut off the trees in the back yard with his new birthday toy - a chainsaw on a pole.  What industrious Angry Birds. 
We are also working on potty training this week. It's not much fun for anyone, but Xavier is pretty excited to wear Thomas the Train underpants.  The best part is that after Xavier successfully uses the potty he sings a great little song about how he now gets some chocolate. :)  Hey, whatever it takes to get him out of diapers.  ;) 


Loyd-isms for the week: 
Loyd and I get to have some fun chats on our walks home from preschool.  Here are some snippets of conversation we enjoyed this week:

Watching the garbage truck go past, Loyd shouts to the garbage men "Thank you!" and waves. 
Loyd, "Mom, I said 'Thank you' and 'Holo' to be friendly."
Me, "You mean 'Hola.'"
Loyd, "Yea, that's another way to say it."

Waving goodbye to a cute little girl at preschool, Loyd tells me, "That's my best friend Presley.  She thinks everything I do is funny.  I like that.  She's my best friend."


Funny Rebekah quote for this week:
Rebekah lost another tooth this week. In our house the Tooth Fairly turns the lost tooth into money.  When Rebekah looked under her pillow the next day after loosing her tooth she found her baby tooth was gone and 10 dimes replaced it.

Rebekah excitedly counted her money and then she rubbed a few dimes between her fingers.  After she had rubbed the money enough to satisfy her curiosity she confidently declared, "Yep, these feel like my tooth!" 


Anonymous said…
Cute costumes! (Even though I admit I have no idea what Angry Birds is...)
Jill said…
I miss your family!!

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