Happy, Happy Birthday, Bekah Dear

 We finally made it to 6 years old!  Rebekah celebrated her birthday this week and we've had a fun week of birthday treats, presents and Angry Birds.  Rebekah discovered root-beer floats this week and has marveled at their delicious ice cream and soda happiness.  She thinks I'm pretty amazing because I introduced her to this small miracle of the desert world. :)   We then had key-lime cupcakes for her birthday party.  Yum yum!

 Bekah requested an "Angry Birds" party theme, so we put our heads together and searched the internet for fun birthday ideas.  Dustin built this great Angry Pigs cup wall that the kids had to destroy with Angry Bird bouncy balls.  They had a ton of fun tearing down Dustin's masterpiece.

 Check out Dustin's slow motion video of the destructive "Angry Bird" fun.  :)

 Then we had the kids use bean bags to knock Angry Bird characters off the garage wall and win golden eggs as prizes.

After all of this destructive fun we ate cup cakes and opened presents.  It was a fun morning. 

Happy Birthday Bekah!  We are so glad we could spend another birthday with you!  Lots of love!


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