They're never too young for emergency preparedness....

It's hurricane season and we have been vigilant in storm tracking and keeping our emergency food and water supplies up to date. Apparently this has rubbed off on the kids. I'm glad to know that their little play house is now well stocked with clean drinking water should an emergency arise. :)

This week we went to Space Center to get out of the heat and to play with friends. They boys missed Bekah, but they had fun palling around together with just the boys. They made a good duo to play trampoline basketball and the wall climbing tag game. They are such good brothers.

We also enjoyed a small ray of sunshine this week. Loyd is particularly partial to a certain kind of ribbon on his beloved boop rags. It is a silky texture with bright multi-colored stars all over it. Those boop rags which have this special "stars" ribbon maintain a higher status of love and use those those without. It has been 5 years since I was last able to find this highly prized ribbon at the store. As boop rags have worn out I have been forced to salvage any used stars ribbon and sow it on a new rag. The stars ribbons we had were beginning to look pretty sorry. They were faded and piling quite a bit. Luckily, while at the craft store I happened to find more of this highly prized stars ribbon. Excited at the prospect of shiny new ribbon and not having to unpick any more worn out boop rags, I bought two rolls. I showed Loyd my find and he could hardly believe his good luck. We brought it home and promptly made him a new "stars" boop rag. He is so proud of his new Basketballs boop rag. He takes it everywhere and goes out of his way to tell people that his mommy made it for him. He knows his mommy loves him and is so proud of his new treasure. Thank heaven for small joys.

We're still adjusting to our new school year schedule. As you can see, we're still ironing out a few of the scheduling hiccups.


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