Milestones of the Mouth

This week Loyd had his0 first dental check up. He did great. He was full of all sorts of funny questions and saying for the hygienist and the dentist. When it was his turn to get into the examining chair he asked the hygienist if he needed to take his shoes off. She got a good chuckle out of that. Then as she was cleaning his teeth she asked him to, "Close." So, he squeezed his eyes shut real tight and left his mouth wide open. That got a bigger laugh. Then the best laugh came near the end. She was cleaning his teeth with the scraping pick. After a couple of teeth he asked, "Why are you drawing on my teeth?" She thought that was really funny and said no one had ever asked that before. He was as good as gold for the rest of the visit and came away with a clean bill of healthy teeth. No cavities. :) I'm glad he was so good and had a positive experience.

You know that Bekah LOVES school. Well, I had to pick her up early to go to the dentist and she was the saddest Kindergartener you have ever seen. She loves going to the dentist, but she was heartbroken that she had to leave school early. As you can see, she was all smiles again once she finished her check up and got her fun prize. But you better believe that she made sure she was going to be able to stay the whole time at school the next day. No more of this early release business. She's one funny girl. :)

Xavier decided this week that he has graduated out of the highchair. He can clime in and out of the counter chairs all by himself and he can mostly sit still while he eats. (That's still something Loyd can't say.) He loves his new grown up status as a counter sitter and refuses to be put back into his baby high chair. Our little Mr. X is growing up too fast!

We're still not sure these two are grown up enough to sit at the counter. ;>P


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