Proud Parents of Our First Preschool Graduate!

After her first day of preschool Bekah excitedly climbed into the van and asked, "Mom, am I a real student now!?" She could hardly believe her luck at going to school and learning so many wonderful and important things. Now, a year later, she has completed another important milestone, she graduated from Trooper School Preschool! She was a model student all year long and adored her time at school. She is so bright and has such a kind disposition that she had fun with all of her friends and teachers. They had a very nice graduation program on Thursday where the kids received their preschool diplomas and an award of achievement. Bekah received the award for "Most Academic." That made her mom smile really big. :>D

It was hard to say good-bye to all of the wonderful teachers and the friends she has made, but Bekah is ready to begin her exciting new adventure into Kindergarten in the Fall. We are so proud of our little student! :)

This is what we have to resort to when a severe drought strikes Texas and just won't let up.....

Nah, just kidding! It's not that bad yet. We still let the kids play in the water every once in a while. :)

Happy Summer from Bone Dry Texas!


Anonymous said…
Wow - I can't believe how big she is! Kindergarten

Hope you guys are doing well! We miss you!

(I need to send you a real thank you...but thank you SO MUCH for the fun package! We love the things for Chelsea - the blanket is so perfect...just right for wrapping her up snug as a bug...and Charlie loves his superhero cape. That was so nice to think of him - everytime we get a package he asks if it's for him, so this was a real treat. Thank you!)
Laura said…
Hey Hey Hey, long lost friend!!! So First off cute pics! Congrats on the grad in your house. It is fun to watch them all grow up. Second, when do we get to see you and your family? Shouldn't you be headed this way soon? And third besides what you have blogged about what is new with you? Hope all is going well. I keep thinking about you so I thought I would drop a line and let you know that someone is thinking about you. :)

Laura (Hopkin) Newton

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