Bekah, It's Your Birthday! Happy Birthday Bekah!

It has been a bit of a birthday bonanza around here. We were able to celebrate the birth of our cute little girl by throwing her a Candy Land themed party. She LOVED it. What could be better than giant board games, tons of candy, bright colors, and the love and support of your friends and family?! Happy Birthday Baby! We love you and are so very thankful that we can be your parents. You are one of my biggest blessings!

Some Pictures of the Festivities:

Bekah, Loyd and Xavier helped me to design, color and decorate Grandma Peanut Brittle's Cottage, the Mud Swamp and the ever important Candy Castle. I think they did a fabulous job. Perhaps we should go into business?

Everyone was excited to go hunting for candy. Here they are all lined up and ready to begin our life sized version of Candy Land.

Everyone had a partner to play with so we could keep waiting time for your turn from getting to long....

But when candy and bean bags are involved waiting for your turn can seem like forever sometimes.

Eventually everyone made it to the finish line and were welcomed to King Kandy's Castle....

Where they all decided to stay and eat their candy spoils. Who knew you could fit 10 kids inside such a small castle? :)

Thanks to everyone who came and helped make Bekah's day such a fun one. She really felt special and loved. Happy Birthday and be prepared for a rematch next year!

Game On!


Triny Kay said…
such a cute birthday idea!!!! i love it!

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