It's Just a Little Rain...

The heavens opened up in Southeast Texas this weekend. We got a ton of rain Friday night and Saturday morning. As you can see from Loyd's picture, we had our own swimming pool in the backyard for a while. It's all good though. The kids got incredibly wet playing in the rain and the puddles, the plants finally got a good watering, and our house didn't flood. So overall, I would say it was a win, win situation.

Xavier is still trying to figure out how to crawl. He is totally awesome at rolling over, pivoting in a circle and pushing himself backwards. Now, if only he could move forward he would be all set to explore the big wide world under his own steam. He is anxious to be playing with his big brother and sister and loves to discover new things. He's a very happy explorer and scientist. Until then, he will simply have to make do with going backwards and convincing grown ups to carry him around.


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