Summer Swimming Season Commences

Summer swimming season has officially commenced for the Cornelius crew. We visited the pool a few times this week and plan to ratchet up our walks to the neighborhood pool as the temperatures increase. It truly is the only way to survive the Texas heat.

It's quite the production to get us ready to go. Getting swimming suites on three wiggly, excited children and two tired parents, spraying everyone down with a protective layer of sun screen, and gathering all the various flotation devises needed to keep said children and parents afloat is no small task. Happily, the kids enjoy the production and are willing to cooperate for the most part. Finally, we are able to walk to the pool.

Once we get to the pool everyone jumps into the refreshing water. Loyd prefers the shallow kiddie pool, but for purposes of the picture we did manage to convince him to try the big pool out for a little bit. In fact, he was feeling so brave this week he even tried to swim without me holding onto him. He had his life jacket on and a water noodle and he kicked himself around the pool for a minute or two before he felt he needed some moral support again. He was a very brave boy. Rebekah's swimming lessons from last year are already paying off. She can navigate the pool under her own steam with some water noodles and a life jacket just fine. Xavier is part fish. He has enjoyed swimming more than the other two kids did at his age. He floats in his tube and kicks his little chubby legs almost constantly for the shear pleasure of splashing.

To all our friends and family this summer season, happy swimming!


Andrea said…
cute! did you do swimming lessons at the high school? i hear they aren't expensive.
Becca said…
This post brings up two very important questions from me. First, why are you in NONE of the pictures? Second, what in the world are you storing in your garage? That is all.
We are in the pool pretty much everyday around here too!! It really is the only way to beat the Texas heat!! Do you guys have anything fun planned for the summer?? Driving up to Utah again??

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