Xavier's Blessing

Our little Mr. Xavier was given a name and blessing by his daddy this last Sunday in Sacrament meeting. It was a very nice blessing, but it almost didn't happen!

Our little Mr. Man was blessed in the middle of Sacrament meeting because the Bishop forgot about his blessing, twice! Our poor Bishop is brand new and has a lot on his mind. We are a ward that likes to keep their bishop very busy. We confirmed with him two weeks ago about the blessing date. We invited our friends to come and found a sweet little outfit for Xavier to wear. We even got to church early the day of the blessing (nothing short of a small miracle for our family) to make sure we were ready for the big event. Because I'm a bit paranoid, before the meeting started I asked Dustin to reconfirm with the Bishop that we were still good to bless Xavier during the meeting. The Bishop had forgotten all about it, but told Dustin it wasn't a problem; we could go ahead with the blessing. We settled into our bench and got ready for Sacrament to begin. We listened to the ward and stake announcements, the opening song, the opening prayer and then the Sacrament. When the Bishop got up and introduced the first two speakers we knew he had forgotten again. We resigned ourselves to our fate and decided we would just catch him after the meeting and bless Xavier then. Luckily, the Bishop remembered when he stood up to announce the rest hymn. He quickly changed the program and we blessed Xavier instead of sing the song.

It was a nice blessing and one to remember. Even though our families couldn't be there we were surrounded by the love and support of our ward family. Xavier was surrounded by our dear friends, the wonderful Bishopric and our new Stake President. I think it was a wonderful way for him to be introduced to the Church. Our little boy is surrounded by love.

Here are the little booties I made for his big day.
They almost didn't fit. He has really chubby feet!

The proud Mamma with her good little boy.

The proud Pappa too!

Here is my sweet family. I am so thankful for them all. Now, if only I could get them to all look at the camera and smile at the same time. ;>D


Andrea said…
He is beautiful, love how the little guy is gettin chubby. And more awake!

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