Swimming Lessons - Our First Summer Activity

Rebekah started parent/child swimming lessons this week. She loves swimming with Daddy. They splash around the pool with about a dozen other kids and an instructor for half an hour every day. This year they are getting more comfortable and confident in the water. She can kick around the pool by herself with the help of two water noodles, blow bubbles, and put her face under the water (like Curious George, as Rebekah is quick to tell you). It's fun to take her and see her do so well.

Let's hope I can keep the enthusiasm up as this is only the first summer of many to come of driving kids to swimming lessons. :)

This is a shot of Loyd's new game he invented yesterday. He dumps all the blocks out of this bucket, sticks it on his head, squeals with delight at the upcoming adrenalin rush, and then blindly runs through the house trying not to bump into anything. Once he hits some furniture he takes the bucket off and giggles like a mad man before he does it again. Silly Loyd.

We had farm fresh corn this week and the kids loved eating it off the cob. Here are my favorite corn eating techniques.

Popsicle Style - Who needs to hold each end? Just grab the bottom and go to town!

One Handed Control Hold - Those holders are really only a suggestion, right? It's much easier to grab the middle and chomp away!

Two Handed Death Grip - For those slippery cobs of corn Loyd recommends the two handed death grip. This sucker isn't going anywhere except into Loyd's tummy!


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