Sunday Miracle

It was a Sunday Miracle this afternoon. Rebekah woke up from her nap and said, "I play nicely with Loyd." Then she found her brother and brought him out to play blocks with her at their little table. They shared their toys willingly and without being asked. Ah, thank goodness for small moments of sibling peace. :)

On another note, we had our 24 week ultrasound on Friday. It's a boy! Loyd's getting a side kick/partner in crime. Heaven help Bekah to hold her own! I'd put a picture of the baby on the blog, but you know how ultrasound pictures tend to turn out. Nobody is completely sure what they are looking at. ;>)


Becca said…
What?! Another baby! That's awesome! :D
Hey congrats!! I didn't even know you were prego again. That is so awesome. 3 is the best. Don't let all those others scare you about it. I have loved it!
congrats on the boy!! We are so excited for you guys!! How fun you got the kids to play so well together!! Caroline had a particularly hard day, I think she is teething :-(
Andrea said…
Yeayyy! I have a bunch of extra clothes if you don't have enough of the right season from Lloyd.

Great Sunday miracle. I love when thngs at home are reinforced at nursery, sometimes that spurs change too.
ZB said…
Wow, that is a miracle. Congratulations on the next baby. I had no idea. Thank goodness for blogs so that I can keep least when I find a spare moment to check.

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