Up for Air!

Ok, so I got sucked into Harry Potter and Twilight this last week/month. I will start the final Harry Potter book today and I'm anxiously waiting for the second book in the Twilight series to become available at the library as I finished Twilight last night. It took me less than 24hrs to read it because I really just couldn't put it down! (house, kids, and husband were sadly neglected)

I took a brief break this morning before I re-immerse myself in the final Harry Potter book to play with the kids and clean my disheveled home. I know I will be useless once again when I start this last book.

We had a totally great time with Charlotte and Baby Charlie swimming this morning. The water was a tiny bit cool, but the kids didn't mind at all. Loyd loved the swimming pool from the second we put him in his nifty floating boat. His little feet kicked like crazy as he tried to move under his own steam. He cracks me up! He got really good at turning his boat in circle with leg kicks. Rebekah was so excited about going swimming she has hardly talked of anything else for the last day and a half. I had a hard time getting much reading done last night because of her constant barrage of "Go swimming with Baby Charlie now?!" requests/demands.

Wish my family luck as I finish Harry Potter and anxiously wait to read Eclipse!

Rebekah thought she was pretty stylin' and ready to go swimming last night in her own swim-wear creation. I had a hard time convincing her to change into her PJs. :) I think this little lady is pretty funny! Her new phrase is "pretty tricky" whenever she is having trouble doing something. "Pretty tricky" is usually followed soon after with "Mommy do? Mommy do?"

Loyd's a wild man! He cruises all over the house and gets into EVERYTHING! He seems to think trash cans are treasure receptacles. I have to keep a very tight eye on him and have already had to relocate several trash cans. He mostly pulls himself across the house with his arms, but he is trying more and more to do a full crawl up on his knees and sometimes his feet.


ZB said…
Oh we love the Twilight books. I'd let you borrow them if you lived closer. Sadly, I haven't started Harry Potter. Got them in my basement...but you know how it goes. Being a mom take more time than you think. Enjoy the series.
Becca said…
What adorable little kids! I'm so jealous . . . and also happy for you. ;)
Ha ha thats so funny.. I just finished reading the First Harry Potter book again, and I am waiting for the final book in the Twilight series to become available :). Sad how everything takes a back seat to a good story.
I love seeing your kiddos! It was 98 degrees here today... which means it is too cold for me to go swimming. I'm insane, I know.
okay so I never read Harry Potter until we lived in Texas, but I love it!! I still have book six and seven to finish reading, but it really is a good series!! I use to totally be a hater...:-)

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