Happy Birthday Grandma Phillips!

We had a fun week. We went to story time, played around the house a lot, and even had a pajama party at a friends' house!

Loyd is busy exploring the house. He already pulled out every single DVD we own, shook the floor lamp pretty good, knocked over an end table, and pulled out our internet cable. He is also doing his best to learn to stand on his own. He pulls himself up on everything. He is one busy little guy!

Rebekah is a great older sister. She loves to play with Loyd and is good to share her toys and snacks with him (I have to keep a close eye on her with that last bit of sisterly kindness). Today she handed Loyd a sucker and boy was he happy to have that treat! Loyd wasn't too pleased with me when I had to confiscate the choking hazard. Bekah is able to verbalize more of her thoughts and feelings and she is getting pretty good at telling me stories about things that have happened in the recent past. These kids are smart!

Here comes Loyd! These tunnel toys are awesome!

Caught on camera!

Yea! He made it all the way to the other side!

P.J. party with our friend Libby! These two are snuggled down for some Sleeping Beauty movie action.

Too cute! Bekah loves her picture taken lately.

Gotta love this face


were do u get those dresses for bekah there so cute

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