The Tyrant

Behold the tyrant! Our little Mr. Loyd is going through a crying phase. He seems to only be happy when he is being held, and even then it is hit and miss. I think he is starting to work on some teeth as he is sharing a large amount of slobber. I think if we can survive just a little longer he will soon return to his happy, easy going self. Everyone cross your fingers!

Bekah is keeping us busy with playing games and dancing. Whenever she hears a snippet of music she stops whatever she is doing and pulls her famous "princess" dance moves. She loves to stick her leg out and put her hands on her head like a ballerina. She also LOVES to play ball. We throw the ball around nearly all day! These kids are going to keep me in amazing shape with weight lifting and aerobics.


Anonymous said…
"The Tyrant" - I love it. Lately Charlie has been staying awake all day, and wants attention ALL DAY. I laugh when I read things like "take a nap when your baby takes a nap," not only because he is not napping, but because if I DID do that, we'd be living in a dump with no clean clothes or dishes. I think that advice only applies if you have an easy baby who is content to sit and entertain him/herself all day.

Good luck with the little tyrant - hopefully this phase will pass soon for him. :)

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