Happy Sabath

On the advice of Loretta we have been researching something called "Square Foot Gardening." We are excited to give it a try as it seems really simple and fun. Dustin is planning on buying the materials to make the boxes tomorrow and I'm hoping to talk him into taking advantage of the Memorial Day sales about town too. We are having fun planning out our landscaping plans and trying to figure out just what we can grown and when here in Southeastern Texas.

Rebekah is getting much more verbal. Her favorite thing to say is "Hay! Bekah's!" when we tease her by taking her toy or treat. Loyd was mister popular at Church today. All the ladies on our bench wanted to hold him and I was happy to oblige. He loves the attention and I'm happy for a break from holding the little guy. He also gets quite a bit of attention when I drop him off with Dustin just before the 3rd hour of Church. Dustin teaches the 13 year olds and those girls are more than enthusiastic to grab hold of Loyd and play with him until Dustin decides that looks like too much fun for him to pass on. More than once Dustin has had to chase the girls down to the Young Women's room to reclaim his son. :>) I think it's pretty funny to think of Dustin chasing down his son in the halls of the Church.


Anonymous said…
Great house. I hope the square gardening thing works out let us know the progress.

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