Play Time

Why do I go anywhere? I know what is going to happen. We will leave the house with everyone in high spirits and a little late. We will soon arrive at our destination at which time Rebekah will begin to whine, whimper, scream, and then cry. The next hour will be filled with demands of "Holda! Holda!" and a clinging toddler. After which we will leave. Leaving is no fun either. There is screaming, wiggling, and kicking. Ah, the joys of going to play group. Now why does this anxiety attack happen each time? You've got me! I keep hoping that repetition of of our schedule will eventually ease Bekah's high anxiety, but it doesn't seem to be working yet. I am welcome to any ideas! We did survive nursery today. Things might be looking up. Loyd is relaxing a bit. We found him some rattles to chew and few of the cold teething rings and that seems to keep him in high spirits. I get a great laugh when I hear the teething ball squeaking away against his gums. He is giving his best efforts to roll all the way over and to sit up. We'll keep you posted when he accomplishes either or both. He is pretty good at roll over to his side, however, he just can't seem to make it all the way over.


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