Fantastic Fall Family Photos 2023!

How's that for alliteration!  Check out the awesome family photos we took at Snow Basin on October 6th. The autumnal colors are almost as wonderful as my children!

Rebekah - age 17, loves crafting, cyber hacking competitions, working on science fair, and being an overall awesome big sister. 

Diana, age 10 months, loves to cuddle, give kisses, wrestle, read books, clap, build blocks, explore the garden, and eat everything! 

Xavier - age 14 (close enough).  Loves playing video games and hanging out with friends, trying new adventures, eating candy, watching TV with Mom and Dad late at night to put off going to bed, and planning ways to be a future titan of industry.  

John - age 5 yrs. Loves cuddles and hugs and sharing a great funny story, loves his family and his friends, works hard at school, tries his best to be a good boy all of the time, loves Jesus, and melts his mother's heart in an instant every time with that sweet face.  

Maeve - age 11 yrs - Loves DRAGONS!!  She also loves writing, hanging out with friends, listening to Wings of Fire audiobooks, and making big dreams for her future.  Maeve is playful and funny and genuine.  

Loyd - age 15.  Hard worker, loyal friend, loving son, adventurous mountain biker, follower of Christ, and stellar student at school.  Loyd has big plans for his future and he's not afraid to work for it.  This young man is going places!

Owen - age 8.  Loves his baby sister to the moon and back, awesome Lego and carboard creations builder, works hard at school, awesome friend, has the best smiles and has a pure and open heart.  

The Girls!

The Boys!

The crazy couple that started this adventure nearly 20 years ago.


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