Carrots, Carrots, Everywhere!

Last Saturday we were gifted a weekend full of unexpected carrot themed cooking.  The neighbors planted lots and lots of carrots last Fall. They then banked them under a thick layer of leaf mulch to be harvested this winter.  Well, harvest day came last Saturday.  They called Saturday morning to see if Dustin and Loyd would mind helping them pull some of the crop before the upcoming dip of cold temperatures predicted to come this week.  Dustin and Loyd happily agreed to be of service and unexpectedly came home with a 5 gallon bucket of freshly harvested, muddy carrots as payment for their service.  
(This is what everyone's yards and gardens currently look like in Morgan)

Well, you guessed it.  I spent the rest of my Saturday washing and drying carrots, dehydrating carrots, figuring out how to make pickled carrots (I sure hope they taste good.  I've never had pickled carrots before), and simmering a triple batch of carrot intensive Finish Soup.  After all that work I used up only about a third of the carrots.

Sunday brought more carrot fun.  I bagged up 6 bags of delicious carrots and had too much fun taking them to neighbors, friends, and family.   It was such fun to see the surprised look on everyone's faces to be receiving garden fresh Morgan produce in the middle of January.  

After my deliveries I still had a big bag of fresh, sweet carrots in my fridge.  So, I did the only thing I could do.  I made carrot cake!  Maeve, Owen, and John were more than happy to help me in this baking project.  They especially enjoyed frosting and eating our finished cakes.    

I guess what this all goes to show is that the best kind of vegetable is the one you didn't expect to get and then got in excess.  :) We had too much fun with carrots that weekend!



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