Swimming Lessons, and Popcycle Popckets, and Piano Recitals. Oh My!

These three water babies spent 2 fabulous water logged weeks taking swimming lessons and playing at the Farmington City pool.  Week one we had lots of fun playing in the pool after lessons with our happy Barra cousins.  Week two we did our best to play and play and play until we couldn't play anymore in the pool after lessons.  What a happy, relaxing and fun couple of water filled weeks.  We LOVE the pool!

Also, John discovered that pockets are just the perfect size for popcycle storage.  Yum!  I guess we'll have to start calling this kid Popcycle Pockets.  ;)

Xavier, Maeve and Owen worked very hard learning how to play the piano this year.  They were so good to practice every day, listen and learn from their great piano teacher (Alayna Gunn) every week, and work very hard to memorize special pieces for their piano recital.  We couldn't be prouder of the progress these kids made this year as musicians.  We are so thankful we can learn from the talents of others.  Piano is so fun. We can't wait to see what another year of learning and growing brings!


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