Race Cars, Friends, and New Tree Fun

We decided our July wasn't action packed enough with summer camps and splashpad parks days so we were lucky enough to throw in a super fun Pinewood Derby for Owen hosted by Grandma P and her Activity Days Boys, plant a new Serviceberry tree in the front yard, play water games with neighborhood friends in the backyard, and have fabulous visits from our Texas friends!!  

The Lee family spent 2 action packed days with us in Morgan before heading to their family reunion.  The Archers played all day Sunday with us before returning home to Texas from their family reunion.  I'm sure thankful for family reunions because they mean much needed friend reunions for me!  Oh how we miss our Texas friends so having them take time out of their busy travel schedules to visit and play with us meant so much.  We're still smiling from all their happy company. :D 

Pinewood Derby Prizes!
Learning the ins and outs of establishing a new tree.

Look out!  They have water squirters!

Maeve and Trinity enjoying perfect summer weather.

We're so excited to be playing with our Archer friends that it's impossible to get the kids to pose for a picture.  Too many smiles and giggles to contain in this group!


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